
This past Sunday Ricky encouraged us to live as “heavy metal Christians.” In other words, to be all in, all the time, in all things for the Glory of God. He introduced us to Jonathan Edwards, a man who began pastoring a church at 19 years old and created “resolves” for his life to help him live all in for Christ. Ricky followed Edwards’ example and drafted the following resolves as an example of how we can create our own resolves:

  1. Resolved, to pray that God would sovereignty direct my life for the greatest gospel impact. 

  2. Resolved, to consider honestly whether I should move to reach the unreached and give my life away for the sake of the gospel. And if not that, consider how else God has called me to give my life away for the sake of the gospel.

  3. Resolved, to decide what career and vocation to pursue not based on wealth or notoriety or excitement but on God’s calling and whether he might use it for the kingdom.

  4. Resolved, to decide where I’ll live not based on amenities and comfort and even family but on where God is sending me.

  5. Resolved, to plan to never retire and instead spend my life serving others and making an impact as long as God gives me the breath. 

  6. Resolved, if God leads me to join a church plant team and move away for the sake of the gospel.

  7. Resolved, to pray for my local church and that God would position me well to participate in its mission. 

  8. Resolved, to pick my church not based on comfort and convenience but on whether it’s clearly preaching the gospel and on mission.

  9. Resolved, to be the most committed and encouraging member of my small group so that those in the group might be strengthened for their individual missions. 

  10. Resolved, to search every Sunday for those who are new or out of place — they may well be those God is drawing to himself. 

  11. Resolved, to serve in kids ministry, youth ministry, and young adults ministry so that God might save the next generation of the church. 

  12. Resolved, to help resolve conflicts where I am involved and help others by being a peacemaker, so that the church’s mission might not be distracted and hindered.

  13. Resolved, to pray for the lost around me and ask God to send me into the harvest with opportunities to share the gospel. 

  14. Resolved, to study the Bible and gospel so that I might faithfully share it with others.

  15. Resolved, to become friends with people who don’t know Jesus and invite them into my life. 

  16. Resolved, when I’m regularly around people who don’t know Jesus, to not just sit there but learn their stories. 

  17. Resolved, to take every opportunity to share what Jesus has done for me and what he can do for others. 

  18. Resolved, if God does give me a family, to pray that God would help us be a family on mission. 

  19. Resolved, if not married to choose my spouse not only based on looks and compatibility but also on whether we’ll make an impact together for Jesus. 

  20. Resolved, to spend time not only managing my kids or playing with my kids but laboring to display and preach the gospel to my kids.

  21. Resolved, to be willing to say no to my kids at times so we can serve the Lord through building the church and reaching the lost. 

  22. Resolved, to pray that I’d live differently with all that God has given, seeing it not as mine but as God’s.

  23. Resolved, to plan my budget and spending with kingdom priorities, giving regularly to my local church and beyond it.

  24. Resolved, to plan my time and calendar with kingdom priorities that move even other good priorities like vacation and hobbies and comfort around. 

  25. Resolved, to set my time with God in your daily schedule as not optional but more necessary than eating and drinking. 

  26. Resolved, to help a brother or sister in Christ with finances as needed and as God allows.

  27. Resolved, to see anything I have or own as dust and air when I look ahead to eternity and therefore offer them in service to Christ. 

  28. Resolved, to do all of these motivated not by pride or by fear but by what Christ has done for me.

  29. Resolved, to fight the accusations and failures and condemnations of the enemy when I fail and fall with the blood of Christ and promise of glory.

  30. Resolved, to pursue the mission of Christ with all my might ultimately trusting not my resolve to cling to Christ but his resolve to cling to me.

As we go into a new month, we encourage you to think about one resolve you could dedicate yourself to. Let us be a church known for our “heavy metal” Christianity, known for being sold out for Jesus.

“Should nothing of our efforts stand, no legacy survive / Unless the Lord does raise the house, in vain its builders strive / To you who boast tomorrow’s gain, tell me what is your life / A mist that vanishes at dawn, all glory be to Christ” - All Glory Be to Christ by Gospel Community Worship

~ Abby


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