10 prayer points for Sanctity of Life

In light of Sanctity of Life Sunday, Stephen Prescott shared 10 prayer points for us to pray about this week.

1. Pray for a softening of the hearts of U.S. governors, State lawmakers, and members of Congress to the gospel. Pray for them to see babies in the womb and their mothers as valuable people made in the image of God.

2. Pray for women around the world who feel as if they have no other option than to end the life of their unborn child.

3. Pray for the fathers of unborn children to encourage women to choose life for their child and that they would get involved with appropriate support for life.

4. Pray for the Church. Pray that she will be able to show love and compassion to women in unexpected pregnancies. Pray that she will continue this love and compassion for women that choose life or an abortion.

5. Pray for the Christ-exalting pregnancy resource centers throughout the U.S. and the world. Pray for their protection. Pray that women in unexpected pregnancies will be connected with them.

6. Pray for the abortion providers in the U.S. and around the world. Pray for their salvation, and for their eyes to be opened to the precious lives they are seeking to abort.

7. Pray for those providing abortion recovery services. Pray that women will connect to them and will learn about forgiveness and redemption through Christ.

8. Pray for OBGYNs. Pray that pro-life OBGYNs will flourish, and women will be led to these practices divinely.

9. Pray that the Lord will use whatever means necessary to give women truthful information about the adoption option.

10. Pray that, in God’s miraculous way, women will connect with Lifeline Children’s Services and other Christ-exalting pregnancy counseling ministries so that we will have an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

P.S. Prayer points taken from Image Bearers: Shifting from pro-birth to pro-life. lifelinechild.org/nextsteps




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