A New Years Challenge

As we kick off the year many of us make resolutions like “I’m going to get fit this year” or “I’ll only eat one donut a week” or “I’m going to read a book every month.” Good resolutions can be helpful but I’ve found that often that resolving to start patterns is better than any one specific goal. Patterns tend to shape our life day to day, month to month, and beyond. So with that in mind here’s my new years challenge.

1) Read a book on the cross in January

The gospel is of “first importance” according to 1 Cor 15. If so, what better way to start the year than with what is of first importance? Read a book on the cross this month.

Here are a few to start with:

  • What did the cross achieve? — Packer // A short punchy introduction to the cross.

  • FREE — 50 Reasons Jesus Came to Die — Piper // This one is short and punchy and perfect for reading a handful each day in January. And you can download it completely for free.

  • Living the Cross-Centered Life — Mahaney // This set of teachings changed the way I thought about the cross — not just as something I believed in one, but something that changes me every day.

  • The Cross of Christ — Stott // This is a challenging read but so rewarding. Stott helps us see the cross as a diamond in its beauty and complexity.

2) Find a worship anthem for the year

I love the line in the hymn “Come Thou Fount” that says “tune my hear to sing thy praise.” It’s helpful to “tune” our hearts to where they should be and I’ve found that starting the year with a worship anthem (louder the better) serves my soul.

Find some great anthems recommended by Jon Vogan (our music team lead) here

3) Get outside

Nature declares the glory of God according to Psalm 19 and starting the year spending time in creation is a key practice for me. It reminds me that I’m small, that God is big, and that he is glorious. Find a trail near you.

4) Set a time a place to meet with God

This might be the most important one. Rather than focusing on a big goal, focus on setting a pattern for the year. Find a specific time to meet with God every day. Have a plan. Get consistent. Read the word. Pray. It can be as simple as starting with reading one Psalm per day and praying the Lord’s prayer, or involve a whole plan to read through the Bible in a year. But start a pattern this month and carry it forward.


Achieving the challenge is its own reward but if you complete the 4 for 2024 challenge you’ll get a victory sticker at the end of the month. I love free stickers.

Now get after it.



RELAY Young Adult Conference 2024